• 12TH JULY 2024
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week we meet Paul Street, our Falls Prevention Lead, who talks about the danger of falls and how they impact not just patients, but also place extra strain on hospital resources as people who suffer preventable falls often need to be admitted. Paul also tells…

    • 5TH JULY 2024
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week we feature our colleagues from the Estates and Facilities (E&F) teams. They’re often in the background, but constantly make sure our sites can function and our clinicians can provide care to our patients 24/7. Recently we had the opportunity to…

    • 1ST JULY 2024
    Celebrating one of the largest teen health studies in the world

    Celebrating one of the largest teen health studies in the world

    HEALTH researchers, young people, teachers, and community members will be celebrating the successes of the Born in Bradford (BiB): Age of Wonder project by sharing findings and awarding participants for their contributions so far. BiB: Age of Wonder – which…

    • 28TH JUNE 2024
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    As we come to the end of another busy month here at the Trust, here’s a round-up of this month’s stories. We kicked off June with a look at the new staff and patient CPR kiosks here at the Trust, with Ben McKay, Education Manager, and Eve Flockton, Resuscitation…