What is 'patient initiated follow up'?

Patient initiated follow up (PIFU) puts you in control. Patients often attend prearranged follow up appointments when their condition is stable and they find little value in coming to hospital. For many patients, travelling to attend these appointments can lead to anxiety, expense, and time taken away from doing other things such as work or caring for their family.

PIFU can be used when:

  1. You are coming to the end of your care but, rather than have a booked outpatient follow-up appointment in a specified amount of time, you would prefer to only have the appointment if you feel you need it. In this case, after discussion with your clinical team you can have the opportunity to activate an appointment using PIFU.  At the end of a specified period, you will be discharged from the care of the Trust.
  2. You have a long-term condition may need regular review at the hospital. You may prefer a PIFU appointment that you can activate if you feel you need it rather than a regular booked follow up which you attend even if you feel well.  The ability to activate this appointment is open-ended and does not cease after a given period.
  3. You have a long-term condition and would usually have a booked appointment for an annual review, we may be able to provide some health-related information instead so that the clinician can ensure you are stable until the next review is due and you do not need to attend for an appointment.

PIFU allows you to decide whether you wish to see the doctor. Instead of having a follow up appointment booked, your follow up care will be initiated by you.  You can contact the team for an appointment within a specified timeframe e.g. 6 months, when you feel you need it.

PIFU is not suitable for everyone but if you and the doctor decide PIFU is right for you, you will be advised on what symptoms to watch out for and when to contact us to book an appointment.

What happens if I am placed on PIFU?

You will receive a PIFU letter after of your consultation that will provide you with all the information regarding when and how to contact. This will also state the date when your PIFU is due to end.

At the end of the PIFU period, if you have not activated your pathway, you will be returned back to the care of your GP.

If you were seen in a virtual (video or phone call) appointment and were not given a paper copy of the leaflet, the information you need can be found on this page. Your clinic letter will also provide the arrangements around your specific PIFU and the dates that your PIFU period will end.

How do I book a PIFU appointment?

The service is quick and easy to use. Just call the number provided on your leaflet or call 01274 274274 we will arrange an appointment for you. Please note that the operator cannot give any clinical advice.

Please remember, it is important that you are available for your appointment. If you find you are unable to attend, please tell us in advance so we can try to give your appointment to someone else. Failure to do so may lead to you being referred back to your GP.

PIFU flow chart

Consultation between clinician and patient takes place. PIFU is agreed as next step of pathway.

Patient leaves with PIFU leaflet which contains

  1. Length of PIFU pathway
  2. Contact details

Once on a PIFU, if you have symptoms or concerns, you can contact the number on your leaflet. (You don’t need to go to your GP first)

When you contact us, you will be booked in to an appointment.

At your appointment you and your clinician will decide whether you stay on this pathway or not.

If you haven’t contacted the service within the agreed timeframe, depending on your condition, you may be discharged back to the care of your GP. If you are discharged, if you need to see a specialist in the future, you will have to see your GP first for a new referral.

When you should not use PIFU

If you require urgent medical attention, you should

contact your GP

use NHS 111

or attend A&E if you are really unwell