Emergency Department (ED)

Please be aware that the Emergency Department (ED) is for patients who have an emergency which cannot be dealt with via a GP appointment or by calling the NHS Helpline on 111. Due to high demand, please only attend if you have a genuine emergency. For patient enquiries please call 01274 382555.

What we do

The Emergency Department (ED) provides walk-in access to nursing and medical care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You do not need an appointment. The department provides clinical services to treat the range of problems patients present as an emergency or urgently, in all age groups from babies to the elderly.

Please be aware that the Emergency Department is for patients who have an emergency which cannot be dealt with via a GP appointment or by calling the NHS Helpline on 111. Due to high demand, please only attend if you have a genuine emergency.

If you come to the Emergency Department and it is not an emergency then you may wait a long time to be seen, as we must prioritise the treatment of the sickest patients first, including patients suffering from:

  • Suspected heart attack or stroke
  • Chest pain
  • Unconsciousness
  • Heavy blood loss
  • Suspected broken bones
  • Deep wounds such as stab wounds
  • Severe breathing difficulties
  • Head injuries

What to expect in the Emergency Department

Is the Emergency Department the best place for you?

The Emergency Department is for patients requiring emergency care for life-threatening conditions. Please use the service carefully so it can best support those with life-threatening and serious conditions.

Due to high demand, please only attend if you have a genuine emergency.

If you come to the Emergency Department and it is not an emergency you may wait a long time to be seen, as we must prioritise the treatment of the sickest patients first, including patients suffering from:

  • Suspected heart attack or stroke
  • Chest pain
  • Unconsciousness
  • Heavy blood loss
  • Suspected broken bones
  • Deep wounds such as stab wounds
  • Severe breathing difficulties
  • Head injuries

For less serious problems please book an appointment with your GP, call the NHS Helpline on 111 and speak to a highly-trained advisor or visit the Choose Well website, which includes more information about health services in Bradford and West Yorkshire.

What to expect?

We aim to see all patients as quickly and safely as possible. However, please be aware that everyone is assessed on clinical need so you may not be seen in order.

Also, because of the size and layout of the Emergency Department, you may be waiting in an area with only a few other patients, making the department appear quiet. However, patients are often being treated in other areas.


You will be booked into the department by one of our reception staff who will ask you for a number of details including your personal information, GP details and your presenting complaint.

Please remain polite and help our trained receptionists do this as quickly as possible.

Initial assessment

An experienced nurse or doctor will see you and assess your condition before ‘streaming’ you to the appropriate area of the department.

At this point you may be discharged with advice and/or medication and treatment if required.

Treatment and medication

You may be seen and treated by a doctor, emergency nurse practitioner or advanced nurse practitioner.

If you don’t need to see a specialist, the Emergency Department staff will give you advice. You may have to come back to a clinic or go to your GP for follow-up care.

If you have been prescribed medication to take home with you, you will need to go to the Pharmacy. Each prescription costs the standard prescription charge, unless you have a valid exemption certificate.

We are not usually able to provide transport to take patients home. If possible, ask a relative or friend to collect you or call a taxi.

Patient aftercare

Most patients are discharged. A discharge summary is sent to each patient’s GP (if the patient is registered with a GP), giving details of investigations and treatment in the department, and any recommendations for aftercare.

If a patient needs to be admitted to hospital, their care will be taken over by one of our skilled inpatient specialty teams.


A lot of common illnesses can be treated at home by using over-the-counter medicine and getting plenty of rest.

It is worth keeping paracetamol or aspirin, anti-diarrhoea medicine, rehydration mixture, indigestion remedy, plasters and a thermometer in your medicine cabinet. Self-care is the best choice to treat very minor illnesses and injuries.

For more information, please visit www.nhs.uk.


Your local pharmacist can give you friendly, expert advice about over-the-counter medicines that can help with lots of common conditions such as diarrhoea, a runny nose, a painful cough or a headache, without the need for an appointment.

As well as dispensing prescriptions, pharmacists provide a range of services related to specific health issues and can advise on minor ailments such as colds, skin conditions and allergies. Other services include emergency contraception and incontinence supplies.

For help finding your nearest pharmacist, use the online search on www.nhs.uk.


Make an appointment with your local GP when you have an illness or injury that will not go away, including persistent vomiting, ear pain, stomach ache or back ache. Get the treatment you need at a convenient time and place and reduce the demand on our emergency services.

Registering is free and means you can make an appointment with a doctor for medical advice, examinations and prescriptions.

For help finding your nearest GP, use the online search on www.nhs.uk. If you need to see a GP urgently when your practice is closed, call 111 for fast medical advice.

Urgent care and walk-in centres

Local urgent care and walk-in centres provide fast medical treatment and advice for patients with injuries which are urgent but do not require a visit to the Emergency Department. They can also be used when you can’t wait for an appointment with your GP.

They treat injuries and illnesses such as cuts, sprains and strains, broken bones, minor burns and scalds, minor head and eye injuries, bites and stings.

There’s no need to book an appointment – just turn up and you will be seen promptly by a doctor or nurse. To find your nearest urgent care or walk-in centre, visit NHS Choices online at www.nhs.uk. You can also call 111 for urgent medical advice.

NHS 111

When you need medical help fast but it is not an emergency, call the NHS freephone number 111. The 111 service operates 24 hours a dayseven days a week365 days a year. Calls to 111 will be assessed, advice given and, if needed, patients will be directed to the most appropriate local health services. Calls to 111 are free wherever you call from. Call 111 if:

  • You need an NHS urgent care service
  • You don’t know who to call for medical help
  • You need information about a health issue

If it is an emergency and someone needs help to save their life, call 999 immediately.

Mental health emergency service

The mental health emergency service is available to support people who are experiencing a mental health crisis and need help quickly. The service can be accessed through your GP and by calling 111. Lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Dental emergencies

Please note, our Emergency Department does not treat dental emergencies.

If you have an emergency or urgent dental problem please contact your dentist. If you don’t have a dentist or need urgent or emergency care outside of your dentist’s normal working hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), please contact NHS 111 by dialling 111 from your telephone.


Where capacity in the department allows, all adult patients can be accompanied by one person and Paediatric patients can be accompanied by two parents/carers.

The number of visitors may be restricted or visitors may be asked to wait in other areas during times of extreme pressures and overcrowding.

PLEASE NOTE: due to an increase in cases of winter illnesses, as from 1 November 2023 we are asking only one adult to bring a child to the paediatric Emergency Department: Trust urges: help us, help you by only one adult attending with each child patient

ED location

Our Emergency Department is based at Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, Bradford, BD9 6RJ. On entering, please report to ED reception straight in front of you.

On arrival, please go to reception and tell them:

  • your name and address
  • your date-of-birth
  • your reason for coming
  • the name of your GP


A full emergency service is provided at Bradford Royal Infirmary by senior accident and emergency staff, triage practitioners, nurse practitioners, cardiac arrest and trauma teams, and specialist opinion from all major specialties.

We aim to see patients as quickly as possible – nationally, the target is for 95 per cent to be treated within four hours. All patients will be seen and assessed by a qualified member of the nursing team before a decision is made on the treatment required.

We aim to keep patients fully informed about their treatment and involve them in all decisions about their care where necessary. The Emergency Department undertakes continuous self-monitoring to ensure patients are treated promptly and made as comfortable as possible during their stay.


Please see the AccessAble pages on the Emergency Department at Bradford Royal Infirmary and accessible parking. Information on general car parking at the hospital is available on our website.

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Choose Well

For less serious problems the Choose Well website includes more information about services in Bradford and West Yorkshire, including:

  • Advice about which service to choose
  • A list of minor injury and illness units and walk-in centres
  • Information about self-care